Our Guarantee

We know how good our work truly is.

For years, LessFilms has been creating videos to help software companies increase web traffic conversions to sign-ups and paid customers. We've done this so many times that we're confident we can do it for you too.

GrooveHQ.com saw 11% increase in conversions after we created a video for them.

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is.

If we're confident in our work we should promise results. Hire us to create a video for you and we will guarantee to raise conversions on that page.

We will follow your A/B testing and if higher results aren't created we will continue to iterate on the video up to three rounds of changes or for a six-month time period (whichever comes first).

How To Qualify

Your video must be over $5k for one minute of video. We must also approve each phase of the project as something we believe in. You must A/B test the video and show us data that the video did NOT improve conversions. You must not make any other website changes to affect the A/B outcome during this period. The guarantee is valid for 6 months.

Not-so-fine Print

This is client services, the client has the final say so. Occasionally clients insist on changes we truly do not believe in, and that's cool. Just know that any point during your project we might tell you "Hey awesome client, we highly recommend ______ if you'd like to keep our conversion guarantee". At that point, it's your decision to trust us. So if your project becomes one of these "client-knows-best" projects, we will not guarantee the final product.

As mentioned previously to qualify for this guarantee you must A/B test the page the video appears on. We also need to be invited to the reports to monitor the results. If you're not A/B testing, talk to our friend Nickd at Draft, he's an expert on A/B testing.

If you're thinking "I wonder if these people can create a video for my company to increase my conversions?"
The answer is yes, yes we can.

Optional Taco Bonuses

Sometimes our clients are so freakin' happy with their video they send us a gift card to our favorite local taco joints. We like Chef's. and Finn's.
